At Weed Free we have spent years selling turf care products and have a great in depth knowledge both on a technical and practical grounding so you are in good hands when you ask us a grass or weed question. Should you simply want some Advice, email us.
We are able to supply a wide range of pesticides and turf care products upon request to Turf Professionals.
Should you have a need for a pesticide to control weeds in an amenity horticulture, sports turf or industrial sites, we can help you and great advice is only an email away.
We are governed by strict government legislation restricting the supply of professional and industrial strength pesticides to amateur users. To be able to purchase professional pesticides, the purchaser should be in receipt of a National Proficiency Tests Committee – PA1 Foundation Module Certificate of Competence. Those applying pesticides via a Hand Held Applicator such as a knapsack will require PA6A Module and for Boom Mounted Sprayers including Quad Bike Sprayers PA2A Module.
Please visit our Training page for more details on the courses that we are able to provide or visit the NPTC web site.
If you are a turf professional without a Certificate of Competence, visit our Application page to find out how we can make the applications for you on your sports ground or golf course.
If you are a private lawn owner, maintaining lawns large and small, please visit our sister company The Lawn Company or take a look at the products in The Lawn Shop
If you simply require advice on lawns and their care, please visit our Lawn Advice Blog Grass Clippings Lawn Advice Blog where there are over 1,200 articles to assist you.
Our custom sales information database developed to meet our specialist requirements includes the details of nearly all of the amenity products available in the market today with details of all estimates and application records retained since January 2000.
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and Ministry Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available upon request.
(January 2017)