Three-quarters of the honey produced around the world contain pesticides that can harm bees and pose a health risk to humans, a study has shown.
Scientists who tested 198 honey samples found 75 per cent were laced with at least one of the neonicotinoid chemicals - which can attack the human nervous system in high doses.
Experts called the findings ‘alarming’, ‘sobering’ and a ‘serious environmental concern’ while stressing the pesticide levels generally fell well below the safe limits for human consumption.
The chemicals are a key battleground in the environmental movement – with campaigners demanding a ‘complete and permanent’ ban on the pesticides as they are suspected to be harmful to bees.
However, one leading British scientist warned that it was impossible to predict the long term effects of consuming honey containing tiny amounts of the chemicals.
Dave Goulson, Professor of Biology at the University of Sussex, said: ‘Beyond doubt ... anyone regularly eating honey is likely to be getting a small dose of mixed neurotoxins.
Our comment on this is that the use of Neonicotinoids has occured for many decades and it is only of late that a voluntary EU ban has been in place for two years in which time to study the increase or decrease of the Bee population. The Environment Minister Michael Gove is soon to vote on the continued ban or not.
Sports turf and lawns are being ripped up by grass root eating grubs such as Chafer Beetle and eEatherjacket larvae. Foraging mammals such as Badgers and Foxes and also large birds rip up the prized green swards to get to the grubs. The EU Ministers and Bee researchers really do not have a clue about the damage they are causing by continuing the ban on Neonicotinoids. Let's hope that they do not play golf nor like to watch sport on the television. It is not uncommon to find Bee hives on golf courses and alongside sports fields, in complete harmony.
The Bees population is not being reduced by use of these active ingredients as the Bees population is still delcining, even during the time scale of the pesticide ban. Work that one out!
Read more on The Daily Mail