A weed is after all a plant growing in the wrong place. Weeds like other plants in the garden grow and before you know it your paving, fence and building lines have soon become entangled in weeds and weed grasses. Then starts the task of trying to get rid of the weeds in their new environment. Do you strim them, hoe them out, burn them or ignore them and hope that they die off in the winter?
Weed Killers are really useful management tools and implementing a structured program of weed control will save you not only a high labour charge, the cost of repairs to pathways, fences and buildings but also reduce the risk of fire in weed contaminated areas.
The world of pesticides or herbicides as they are correctly called is best left to those who know about the many active ingredients and modes of actions. Weed control has become a little more complicated with some really good chemicals having been withdrawn. Correct identification of the target crop, selection of weed control product and timing of application are critical if the weeds are going to die.
Suprisingly, one great time to control weeds is in the colder months of the winter. This is the best time to apply what we call a Residual Weed Killer (stays active in the cold soil to prevent a spring time urst of weeds) to external areas of garden centres, pathways, shrub beds and plantations, in fact anywhere where you need to control weed activity in the early spring and to reduce labour intensive strimming.
Weed control should be pro active, not reactive. Have a weed problem? Email The Weed Free Team to take advantage of over 32 years of their knowledge or fill in the enquiry form on the web site.